Sample Schedule
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Monday- YCL Training
9:30 Flag, Theme, Prayer - _____ ward
9:45 Welcome- Stake Leaders
10:00 Set up- help unload, decorate, unload food, etc
11:00 Meet for Instructions
Schedule for YCL training and Camp
Camp Rules
Confirm certification assignments & assign area
Go over Service Project & Ward Evening Devotionals
11:30 Singing Time - Learn new songs
12:00 Lunch- sack lunches from home
1:00 Rotations- (divide into groups)
Teach YCL's crafts & Activities so they can help girls
Teach YCL's games that can be played during ward time
4:00 Free time/Assignment Preparation- YCL's work on skit prep, ward evening
devotionals, review certification assignments,etc
5:30 Camp Chores
5:45 Flag Lowering and Prayer- _______ward
6:00 Dinner
7:00 FHE- Lesson, Scripture Reading, etc
7:45 Evening Activity (movie)
10:00 Prayer and Goodnight
8:30-9:00 Check in
9:00 Ward Camp Set-up
9:30 YCL Meeting
9:45 Flag, Theme, Prayer- _______ward
10:00 Welcome from the Stake, YCL skit, instructions for hikes
10:30 Hikes-
Eat sack lunches on trail
2:00 Ward Time- skit prep, crafts, games
3:30 Devotional/Guest Speaker
4:15 Camp Chores
4:30 Ward Dinner (each ward cooks own dinner)
6:30 Flag Lowering and Prayer- _____ward
6:45 Ward skits in lodge
7:30 Evening Acticity (movie)
9:00 Ward Evening Devotional
9:45 Observe Night Sky- Observe 2 or more constellations.
Read D&C 88: 42-44, Moses 1:37-39, D&C 67:2
10:15 Goodnight
8:15 YCL Meeting
8:30 Flag, Theme, Prayer- _______ward
8:45 Stake Good morning- days instructions
9:00 Breakfast
9:45 Camp Chores
10:00 Certification Rotations
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Service Project
2:30 Ward Time- skit prep, crafts, games
4:00 Devotional/Guest Speaker
5:15 Flag Lowering and Prayer- ______ward
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Camp Chores
7:00 Evening Activity (Skits)
9:00 Evening Devotional
10:00 Good Night
Thursday- Bishopric Day, Wear Camp Shirt
8:15 YCL Meeting
8:30 Flag, Theme, Prayer- _____ward
8:45 Stake Goodmorning
9:00 Breakfast
9:45 Camp Chores
10:00 Rotations (40 mins)
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Camp Chores
1:30 Rotations- continued from this morning
4:00 Devotional/Guest Speaker
5:00 Banquet Preparation
5:45 Flag Lowering and Prayer- _____ward
6:00 Banquet and after Dinner Activity
7:45 Camp Chores
8:00 Faith Walk/Spiritual Evening Activity
9:00 Ward Devotional
9:30 Testimony Meeting
10:30 Goodnight
8:30 Flag, Theme, Prayer- _____ward
9:00 Simple Breakfast
9:30 Camp Chores
9:45 Closing Ceremonies